First Time Parents – The Making of a Good Parent

It is important to realize that you are not perfect. As you first start raising a new born baby, mistakes are going to be made. Some major ones and some are not so major ones. You must learn from these mistakes, and that is the important part. Keep repeating them and you will land in trouble.

As a couple first finds out that they are going to be parents, panic strikes their hearts and they run to ‘Parenting magazines’ to seek help and guidance. Although this is a bona fide practice, it is not highly encouraged as the conflicting thoughts of various writers can create unwanted stress. Before you rush to the bookstore to buy the latest edition of the most popular parenting magazines, reflect on the fact that nature did not hand us a manual for raising children, if it did, it would most probably have been a religion by now! Good parents learn from the experiences they have in their lives, and teach the lessons to their children. Parenting is a skill that is learnt over time, and the skills become refined with time.

Some of the characteristics of a good parent are as follows:

1) Being understanding

2) Being Considerate

3) Being kind

4) Being Patient

5) A good disciplinarian at the required times.

6) Being helpful

As you embark upon this great journey of parenting, the tough tides of doubt will often assail you, and the unchartered waters of child raising will sometimes overwhelm you. At such times the people to take advice from are your own parents. Yes, your own parents! In this regard, the following questions are relevant:

1) How was I raised by my parents?

2) Are my morals high?

3) Was I a happy child?

4) How did my parents discipline me?

5) How sensitive were my parents to my feelings etc.?

Some of the answers to the questions above will be negative in nature. How you deal with them is exactly what is going to make you a good parent. All the things that you were not happy about you can change. You can avoid making those mistakes.

Ultimately parenting is an organic process; it required the individual to be open minded and versatile. It is an all-day job, with no coffee breaks in between. When the pressure knob tightens, know that this is when you are being molded into a good parent. These tips will help you to sail in your journey of parenting. Happy sailing!

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