Good Parenting Skills Considered

Good parenting skills should be practiced everyday and all day. It is a challenging task but we have to maintain it throughout. Children know what makes you tick and what humors you. They will try things to test you, that is why I emphasize on maintaining rules across the board.

A good parent in my opinion is considered as one who can show her child how much it is loved, one who can discipline the child, one who can be trusted and one who shows respect. A child that is shown respect easily returns the favor.

I believe in teaching morals and setting rules for children. A child that has rules to follow in most cases turns out to be the child with more respect. When I say rules I do not mean rules that are set at a correctional facility for inmates. I am speaking about basic rules and morals in the household to develop that child into the citizens we admire today.

Setting a bedtime for your child at an early age and sticking to it is the start of showing good parenting skills. By doing this children will understand that bed time is 8:00 or 8:30 pm and that is final.

Here are a few basic parenting tips that will help you to maintain good parenting skills:

Never promise your child that you will attend his football game or her dance recital and you did not show up. This will make your child doubt your trust.

Never give a punishment and do not follow through. For eg you said there will be no video games for this week but before the middle of the week the child is playing the games because you allowed it. This child already realized you can not keep your word. It will create a lack of trust which can cause problems in the future.

Both parents should be on the same page when making a decision about your child. One parent should not be saying yes and the other parent saying no. This will create animosity between the child and the parent who said no.

You do not want to buy our child's love. If we implement the right policies and set standards he will love you for what you stand for. Before you know it he will come to understand that what you are doing is in his best interest.

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