This Will Change Your Parenting Forever

What I am about to tell you is Life-Changing. Ground-Breaking. Earth-Shattering. If you do this one thing your parenting (and quality of life) will improve dramatically – immediately.

So what is it?

Be nice.

"What? That's the life changing idea? Just be nice? Wow thanks for that Doc."

It's simple I know and you've heard it a thousand times but it's 100% true: Just be nice to everyone as much as possible. Your children, spouse, co-workers, cashier, lawn guy and everyone else. So why am I telling you something you already know?

It's very simple: most people are not very nice.

Some of you are, but a lot of parents (me included) are not genuinely and consistently nice enough to make a real difference. Nice must become an "all the time thing", not a "when I feel like it" thing.

By just being nice more often you become more approachable and easy to deal with for everyone around you – especially your children. This will open up the lines of communication and your relationship will improve dramatically.

Plus, nice people are more enjoyable to be around. So, instead of your children hiding from you when you get home from work they may just be waiting to hang out with you.

I know it's easier said than done and it's hard to be nice to everyone all the time. It takes work and commitment to change a behavior like this. But the benefits you will get are well worth it. So all I ask is to try being nice to your spouse and your children today. Just one day.

Then try it again tomorrow.

You will not be able to be nice all the time. It is just not humanly possible.

But take it one day at a time and eventually you just might be able to be nice to that annoying co-worker or mean neighbor too.

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