Attachment Parenting – The Basic Ideas

Attachment parenting follows eight core principals. These eight principals are the foundation of the ideas of attachment parenting and through them it is how you will be able to use attachment parenting. It is important for you to understand these eight principals if you wish to benefit from the attachment parenting style.

Principal One – Preparation is Key

The first of the eight principals is the idea of ​​preparation for parenting. This includes preparation for pregnancy and childbirth, too. You need to become educated about every step of parenting and understand what to expect, your options and how the process unfolds. Before you ever get pregnant you should have a good idea of ​​what being a parent is all about. You should be ready to handle the demands of pregnancy, childbirth and parenting. Here are some things you should understand:

– Discipline

– Stages of childhood

– Labor options and methods

– Emotional development stages

Principal Two – Breast is Best

The second principal of attachment parenting recognizes that breast feeding is the best thing for you and your baby. You should plan on breast feeding or using the 'bottle nursing' method with your child to help with the attachment phase of infancy where your child emotional bonds with you. Additionally, it is recognized as being the healthy method of feeding in attachment parenting.

Principal Three – Sensitivity Foundation

This third principal recognizes the idea that you have to help your child develop emotionally from the very beginning. You want to watch how you respond to your child and make sure that you always take a sensitive approach. You should be gentle and caring with your child even in trying times to help them build a good emotional foundation.

Principal Four – Importance of Touch

Just as with principal three, principal four is related to how you react and treat your infant and the lifelong effect of that. This principal is all about meetings the need for physical attachment though nurturing touches. Every touch should be gentle and loving and reflect a nurturing nature.

Principal Five – Parenting at Night

Principal five is relating to the fact that parenting does not end when the sun goes down. You have to still parent your children at night, which can include bed sharing or sleeping in the same room.

Principal Six – Consistent Love

Principal six implies you should provide a consistent environment of love and care for your child. You should try to minimize stress and provide a caring, loving and stable environment for your child.

Principal Seven – Positive Discipline

Attachment parenting is about positivity. This is included in discipline which is covered by this seventh principal. Discipline should be a learning process not a punishment process.

Principal Eight – Good Balance

While attachment parenting may be about positivity and love, it still includes balance. You have to have structure. You have to teach a child right from wrong.

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