Tips For Parents of an 8-10 Year Old Child

By eight years of age, your child is ready to grow socially and will need some guidance from you about what is appropriate. Up to this point, your parenting job has been teaching your child very basic things like walking and talking. Now, the child is ready to start moving into adolescence and your job shifts a bit.

With this new age group, you are ready to set new rules. Discuss the new or expanded set of rules and consequences with your child. Talk with your child about their new found freedom, so to speak. Let them know what your idea of ​​proper behavior is while they are at a friend's house. This may be a good time to set restrictions on activities that may not be safe for them. For example, they can walk across the street to their friend's house (with your permission), but they can not walk to the corner market.

Children of this age are ready to take on more responsibilities around the house. Talk to your child about their expanding role in the house. It is helpful if those new responsibilities or chores are written down and placed in a spot where everybody can see them.

As the child grows, they are more likely to take your directions in stride and put up less of a fight than when they were in their toddler years. It is normal for some back talking or resistance to show up, but do not sweat it. Stick with your rules and the consequences you have set when the rules are broken. Your child still needs your guidance and will look to you to lead them in the right direction.

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